
Portfolio - clientbridge

About the project

clientbridge, which is meant to help “Young Person's Welfare” organizations in UK to keep track of their operations and paperworks.

Following the Govt. guidelines, these organizations are required to follow a set of process while taking care of young persons. The processes include (but not limited within):

  • Performing regular safety and security exercise (like Fire Drill) in the locations where the young persons are kept
  • Keep track of person moving out and moving in to a location
  • keep track of people who comes to meet them with time
  • Keep track of the daily activity of all the young person and get them documented in a systematic manner
  • Keep track of the risks those are associated with each young person
  • and many more features ...

There are lots of reports being generated in PDF format and in the form of graph as well. These reports and activities are also scrutinized by Govt. via audits.

Laravel is being used as the backend API layer and the frontend is developed using VueJS, css, less, stylus. We have used gulp to build the frontend.
The database server is MySQL.